RAXTAR’s efficiency goes way up thanks to SAP Business One



Technology used

SAP Business One

About our client

RAXTAR is a leading specialist in providing world-class vertical access solutions to transport personnel and material for high-rise and mid-rise construction projects. RAXTAR offers both project (rental) and product solutions (sales) with a customer focus and a personal approach.

RAXTAR is a leader in providing vertical transport solutions for transporting people and materials in complex high-rise buildings. RAXTAR offers both project (rental) and product (sales) solutions with a customer-oriented and personalised approach. RAXTAR operates worldwide with a focus on the western market. To better align those operations, RAXTAR chose the combination of SAP Business One and Amista.

Challenges and opportunities

RAXTAR lacked a streamlined alignment between the organisation’s sales and rental units.

In addition to sales, production, stock and finance, RAXTAR also wanted all processes around rental, equipment and
projects into the same ERP solution.

Consultants at work

Why SAP and Amista

  • SAP Business One supports the very specific processes of RAXTAR’s sales and rental units well
    and also has the flexibility to add additional specific fields and tables itself.
  • SAP Business One integrates easily with other applications, such as CRM and invoicing solutions.
  • Amista’s knowledge and expert support gave us the confidence to choose Amista as our IT partner.


RAXTAR’s sales and rental branches work conveniently in one solution and benefit from the same data
insights and analyses. This allows RAXTAR to better handle peaks and troughs, among other things.

Stock accuracy has increased, enabling faster and better service.

Boyum IT add-ons help make work more user-friendly, efficient, accurate and automated.

Our industry is growing very fast. That continuously opens up new opportunities. Thanks to SAP Business One, we can respond to these quickly. It is a complete and scalable solution that we can align well with our processes. And Amista, as a true partner, helps us enormously with this, with in-depth SAP knowledge and by proactively thinking along with us.

Koen van Dijk, Business Intelligence & Support Manager, RAXTAR


faster, more efficient and more accurate order processing thanks to Produmex Scan


employees use SAP Business One every day

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